803 results
Summary of Agents Potentially Contributing to False Positives on Urine Drug Screens (UDS)
Marijuana Metabolites
 • dronabinol,
dextroamphetamine, doxepin, ephedrine ... #FalsePositives
HUGS – Haloperidol for Gastroparesis #EBM #EM #GI #Haloperidol #Gastroparesis #FOAMCast
Gastroparesis #EBM ... #EM #GI #Haloperidol
Summary of Evidence for Mechanical CPR for OHCA #EBM #EM #Prehosp #MechanicalCPR #Mechanical #CPR #OHCA
CPR for OHCA #EBM ... #EM #Prehosp #MechanicalCPR
Ephedrine - Anesthesia Pharmacology
Trade Name: Ephedrine
Brand Name(s): Akovaz
Drug Type: Sympathomimetic Catecholamine
Time of Onset: Rapid
Duration of Action:
Ephedrine - Anesthesia ... Pharmacology Trade Name: Ephedrine ... countbackwardsfrom10 #Ephedrine
Cancer screening: Do the harms outweigh the benefits? #EBM #epidemioliogy #PubilcHealth #PrimaryCare #HONC #Screening #AdverseEffects #Harms
#EBM #epidemioliogy ... AdverseEffects #Harms #FalsePositives
Hypotension in Anesthesiology - Differential Diagnosis and Management 

Initial checklist: 
 - Verify BP (e.g. surgeon
(ephedrine / phenylephrine
Sensitivity Specificity False-Positive False-Negative Contingency Table / confusion matrix

Sensitivity refers to the test's ability to correctly
#Specificity #FalsePositive
Urine Drug Screens - Common drugs that may cause false positive tests 

Bupropion, Labetalol, Methylphenidate, Phenylephrine,
Toxicology #Diagnosis #FalsePositive
Summary of Major Trials of Steroids in Sepsis

- Vivek Moitra, MD

#Steroids #Sepsis #Corticosteroids #EBM #Evidence #Trials
Corticosteroids #EBM
Dermatologic Extraintestinal Manifestations in IBD - IBD Algorithm

Erythema Nodosum
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Metastatic Crohn's Disease
Sweet Syndrome

Dr. Wade Billings @wabillin

Sweet Syndrome EBA ... Manifestations #EIM