7176 results
Arm Epidermoid Cyst on POCUS Ultrasound
Patient presents with right arm pain and focal swelling. Diagnosis?
Answer: Epidermoid
Arm Epidermoid Cyst ... Answer: Epidermoid ... MH_EMultrasound #Epidermoid ... POCUS #Ultrasound #clinical
Pseudo-testis appearance of Epidermoid Cyst on Neck POCUS

Adult male with tender mass on back of neck
appearance of Epidermoid ... appearance of an epidermoid ... #Pseudotestis #Epidermoid ... POCUS #ultrasound #clinical
Tinea Versicolor - Physical examination revealed large, coalescing, hypopigmented patches and macules on her torso and
the superficial epidermis ... #Clinical #Derm
Bullous Pemphigoid - Diagnosis and Management Summary
Pathophysiology: Autoantibody-mediated damage to epithelial basement membrane -> separation of
separation of epidermis ... from dermis Clinical
Pretty good example of Pemphigus Vulgaris. DIF shows intercellular IgG binding throughout entire epidermis. Note there’s
throughout entire epidermis ... #Dermatology #Clinical
Erythroderma - Diagnostic Algorithm. Pathophysiology: 1) Extensive cutaneous capillary dilation, results in widespread exfoliation of the
exfoliation of the epidermis
This is Jackson’s Burn Model. At the centre of the burn (the point of maximum heat
Model #Dermis #Epidermis
Fluid-filled Rash - Diagnostic Algorithm.  Pustule: 1) Pustules more commonly suggest an infectious process (bacterial,
keratinocytes in the epidermis
Pressure (Decubitus) Ulcer Staging
Stage I 
Presence ofa reddened area that fails to blanche with pressure, and
involving the epidermis
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical