8 results
Epiphrenic diverticula are pulsion diverticula of the distal oesophagus arising just above the lower oesophageal sphincter,
Epiphrenic diverticula ... Epiphrenic diverticula ... #Epiphrenic #Diverticula ... #fluoroscopy #Esophogram
Tracheoesophageal fistula on contrast esophagram - H Type fistula.

Nikita Saladi @nusaladi

#Tracheoesophageal #fistula #contrast #esophagram #clinical #fluoroscopy
fistula on contrast esophagram ... fistula #contrast #esophagram
Esophageal Crohn's Disease Management Algorithm

Assess for Active Symptoms and for Stricturing/Fistulizing Disease
Stricturing DX:
 • Bx r/o
Non-Traversable -> Esophagram
H-Type Tracheoesophageal Fistula on Fluoroscopy

#H #type #HType #Tracheoesophageal #Fistula #TEF #clinical #fluoroscopy #pediatrics #video #Esophagram
pediatrics #video #Esophagram
Achalasia Classification Types - Barium Contrast Esophagram:
1) Spindle type (classic)
2) Flask type 
3) Sigmoid type
Response to
Barium Contrast Esophagram ... barium #contrast #Esophagram
Esophageal Physiologic Testing

High Resolution Manometry
Barium Esophagram
Functional Lumen Imaging Probe (FLIP)
Ambulatory Reflex Monitoring

Dr. Chaitanya Allamneni @CAllamneni via
Manometry Barium Esophagram
Dysphagia Lusoria - A barium-swallow examination revealed posterior oblique indentation of the proximal esophagus (arrow in
Clinical #Radiology #Esophagram
Diagnosis and Management of Achalasia - ACG Guidelines

Who to suspect?
 • Patients presenting with progressive dysphagia
EGJ • Barium esophagogram