545 results
To improve the usefulness of the serum creatinine concentration as a marker of kidney function, prediction
function, prediction equations ... Cockcroft-Gault equation ... Disease (MDRD) equation ... version of this equation ... However, the MDRD equation
Explanation of the differences between depolarizing and nondepolarizing paralytic agents commonly used in anesthetic induction with
anesthesiology #medication ... Continuing Education
5th metatarsal distal shaft fracture - Fracture detection on MSK ultrasound

The Ultrasound Site - MSK ultrasound
MSK ultrasound education
HEEADSSS - for psychosocial history taking in adolescents

Home environment, Education and employment, Eating, peer-related Activities, Drugs,
Home environment, Education
Problem Representation

An evolving summary of a patient’s clinical presentation that strives to identify 
(1) Clinical syndrome
cross coverage • Educating ... Representation #diagnosis #education
DO2 Equation in Shock = Oxygen Delivery
DO2 = CO x (1.39 x [Hb] x SaO2 +(0.003xPaO2))
DO2 Equation in ... Thind888 #DO2 #Equation
Arterial plexuses inside the nasal cavity.
#medicine #anatomy #health #education
anatomy #health #education
Rich Levitan teaches the VAPORS pneumonic: a quick run-through of the main issues to sort prior
st mungo's - ED Education
How to Evaluate an Abnormal APTT
Step 1: Is the PT or APTT Artifactually Prolonged?
Step 2: Is
Prolonged APTT ISN Education
Stepwise approach for managing asthma in youths greater than 12 years of age and adults as
National Asthma Education ... activities, or a reduction ... should receive education