22 results
Trendelenburg Test for Hip Stability

The Trendelenburg test assesses for hip stability
The examiner sits behind the patient
indicating the gluteus ... indicating a weak gluteus ... Hip #Stability #Gluteus
Corpus Luteum on Transvaginal Pelvic Ultrasound

Endocavitary transducer (5-8 MHz); footprint inferior aspect of patient, indicator facing
Corpus Luteum on ... likely corpus luteum ... EUSmkh #Corpus #Luteum
Trendelenburg Gait: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Skeletal Pathology of the Hip
 • Arthritis
 • Congenital hip dysplasia
) • Superior gluteal ... Strains/ tears of gluteus
Pelvic Bone Anatomy (Lateral Hip View) and Gluteal Lines

By @rev.med

#Pelvic #Bone #Anatomy #Hip #Pelvis #Gluteal #Lines
Hip View) and Gluteal ... #Hip #Pelvis #Gluteal
Lower Extremity Nerve Pathologies 

 • Obturator
 • Femoral
 • Common Peroneal
 • Tibial
 • Superior
Tibial • Superior Gluteal ... • Inferior Gluteal
Prevalent nutritional deficits during restrictive diets:
- Gluten-Free, Vegan, Low-Carb, Paleo

#nutritional #deficits #diets #deficiencies #deficiency #diagnosis #Vitamin
restrictive diets: - Gluten-Free
Mytomes - Segmental Innervation of Muscles
Shoulder	Abduction	C5	Axillary Nerve
Shoulder	Adduction	C6-C8	Thoracodorsal Nerve
Elbow	Flexion	C5	Musculocutaneous Nerve
Elbow	Extension	C7	Radial Nerve
Wrist	Extension	C6	Radial Nerve
Fingers	Flexion	C8	Median Nerve
Fingers	Abduction	T1	Ulnar Nerve
Hip	Flexion	L2	Nerve to Psoas
Hip	Extension	S1	Inferior Gluteal
Extension S1 Inferior Gluteal ... Abduction L5 Superior Gluteal
Freiberg's Test for Piriformis Syndrome

Flex the hip to 90 degrees, internally rotate the hip.
Pain in the
the sciatic / gluteal
Piriformis Test (FAIR Test - Flexion, Adduction, and Internal Rotation)

Flex the hip to 90 degrees, then
the sciatic / gluteal
Ankylosing Spondylitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical findings
 • Pain in lumbar area and gluteal region: (Dull, insidious
lumbar area and gluteal