27 results
AACE/ACE 2018 Glycemic Control Algorithm

#AACE #2018 #Glycemic #Diabetes #DM2 #Control #Medication #Algorithm #Endocrinology #PrimaryCare #Management
AACE/ACE 2018 Glycemic ... #AACE #2018 #Glycemic
NICE-SUGAR - Intensive versus Conventional Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients
N Engl J Med 2009; 360:1283-1297
NICESUGAR #Glucose #Glycemic
GHOST CAP - Neuro ICU Checklist Mnemonic
G - Glycemia
H - Hemoglobin
O - Oxygen
S - Sodium
T -
Mnemonic G - Glycemia
Optimal glycemic control is fundamental to the management of diabetes.

A1C% measurement approximately every 3 months determines
Optimal glycemic ... whether patients’ glycemic ... Glycemic targets
Insulin Comparison Chart

Insulin Types - Onset (hours) - Peak Glycemic Effect (hours) - Duration (hours)
(hours) - Peak Glycemic
Stroke Mimics - Differential Diagnosis - MINT Mnemonic
 • Metabolic: Hyper-glycemia, Hypoglycemia, Wernicke's encephalopathy, Mitochondrial Encephalopathy
Metabolic: Hyper-glycemia
Diabetic Myonecrosis (Diabetic Muscle Infarction)
 • Spontaneous ischemic necrosis of skeletal muscle (anterior thigh or calf)
ASA & NSAIDS), glycemic
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
•	Non-specific (infections vs non-infectious)
•	≥2 of the following:
o	Temp >38°C or <36°C
o	HR >90 bpm
o	RR
, ventilation, glycemic
Intern Pocket Cards - Inpatient Bowel Regimen Guide
Osmotic agents (draws water into bowel, thereby loosening stool
flatulence • Glycerin
FIASP - Insulin Aspart vs Novolog

Have you heard about Fiasp, a new version of insulin aspart
not ideal for glycemic