112 results
Autoantibodies and their Disease Associations
ANA - Non-specific; common in SLE, autoimmune hepatitis
Anti-CCP, Rheumatoid factor - RA
their Disease Associations ... disease Anti-GBM - Goodpasture's ... Autoantibodies #Associations
Localized skin infections and associations: Cellulitis, Bite wounds, Ulcers, Nodules, Eschars 

infections and associations ... Eschars #SSTIs #associations
VACTERL Association
#Diagnosis #Peds #Pediatrics #VACTERL #Association #Anomalies
VACTERL Association ... Pediatrics #VACTERL #Association
Vasospastic (Prinzmetal) Angina
Definition / Epidemiology:
 • Rest angina attributed to coronary artery vasospasm.
 • Patients often
• Strong association ... • Associations
Hemoptysis - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Bronchitis
 • Bronchiectasis
 • Malignancy: Primary bronchogenic CA, Endobronchial
Rheumatic/lmmune: Goodpastures
Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
RPGN has three primary pathophysiologic causes differentiated by immunofluorescence

Immune Complex Mediated (granular staining):
Anti-GBM Disease (Goodpasture's
Atrioventricular Septal Defect
aka AV canal defect aka endocardial cushion defect
 • Epidemiology and Associations
 • Embryology
Epidemiology and Associations
Antinuclear antibodies and Systemic lupus
Anti-dsDNA	60-80%	Association with disease activity (when with Farr assay) and lupus nephritis. Can
Anti-dsDNA 60-80% Association ... Anti-histone 60-70% Association ... Controversial association ... Negative association
Clostridium Dificile Risk by Antibiotic Class

Pooled and study-specific risk estimates of community-associated CDI risk by antibiotic
#Antibiotics #Association
Pulmonary Renal Syndromes - OnePager Summary
Autoimmune ANCA vasculitis (AAV): GPA (granulomatous with polyangiitis), EGPA (eosinophilic granulomatosis
Anti-basement membrane: Goodpasture ... FINDINGS: • AAV or Goodpasture's