939 results
Reflex Testing - Causes of Hyporeflexia and Hyperreflexia
Focal Hyporeflexia: 
 • Radiculopathy, Mononeuropathy, Polyneuropathy, Acute stroke,
Testing - Causes of Hyporeflexia ... and Hyperreflexia ... Focal Hyporeflexia ... #Hyperreflexia ... differential #diagnosis #table
When trying to differentiate between the two conditions think “FAST” with Serotonin Syndrome and “SLOW” with
agitation, akathisia, HYPERreflexia ... movements and HYPOreflexia ... NeurolepticMalignant #Comparison #Table
Upper Versus Lower Motor Neuron Findings

Denervation near the target muscle fibers (lower motor neuron disease) results
, resulting in hyporeflexia ... Findings #Diagnosis #Table
Characteristics of Serotonin Syndrome and Other Hyperthermic Syndromes 
Serotonin Syndrome
 - SSRIs, second-generation antidepressants, MAOIs, linezolid,
Hypertension, hyperreflexia ... Diagnosis #Comparison #Table
Serotonin Syndrome - THINK: FAST
 - FAST onset
 - FAST movements (agitation, akathisia, HYPERreflexia)
agitation, akathisia, HYPERreflexia ... movements and HYPOreflexia
Hyperreflexia in serotonin syndrome

- Dr. David Juurlink @DavidJuurlink

#Hyperreflexia #serotonin #syndrome #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video #Knee #Reflexes
Hyperreflexia in ... DavidJuurlink #Hyperreflexia
 The following #reflexes are routinely tested, and the response elicited is graded from zero to
reflection of hyperreflexia ... be displaying hyperreflexia ... the edge of a table
Summary table of autoimmune diseases and the specific antibody related to the disease. Visit gramproject.com for
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... diagnosis #algorithm #table
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used drugs for tuberculosis.
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #medications #table
C1 and C2 Fractures and Injuries - Which Fractures are Stable and Unstable

#Diagnosis #Orthopedics #C1C2 #Cervical
Fractures are Stable ... Unstable #Stability #Table