177 results
Prader-Willi Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Maternal uniparental disomy: inheriting 2 copies of maternal chromosome
Complications: • Gonadal hypoplasia ... PraderWilli #Syndrome #genetics
Aplastic Anemia - Overview

• M = F
• 3 peaks:	1) Childhood	2) 15-25 years	3) >60 years

• Aplastic anemia
Syndromes: - Genetic ... Hypocellular/Hypoplastic ... Level ↑ • Marrow hypoplasia
Lingual Papillomas - He had macrocephaly (head circumference in the >97th percentile), as well as multiple
had a history of hyperplastic ... #Clinical #Genetics
Pancytopenia - Workup and Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Consumption Disorders
 1. Autoimmune Mediated Pancytopenia
 2. Splenic Sequestration
Peripheral Destruction
Alcoholism Bone Marrow Hypoplasia ... Aplastic Anemia • Hypoplastic
Harlequin Ichthyosis

Rare genetic disorder that results in thickened skin over nearly the entire surface of the
Ichthyosis Rare genetic ... physicalexam #pediatrics #genetics
Pancytopenia - Workup and Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Consumption Disorders
 1. Autoimmune Mediated Pancytopenia
 2. Splenic Sequestration
Peripheral Destruction
Alcoholism Bone Marrow Hypoplasia ... Aplastic Anemia • Hypoplastic
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
 • Introduction
 • Embryology
 • Anatomy
 • Physiology of HLHS
Hypoplastic Left ... @crholton #Hypoplastic
Metabolism of plasma lipoproteins and related genetic diseases - Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Type IIA
lipoproteins and related genetic ... #lipoproteins #genetics
Posterior Fossa Abnormalities - Neuroradiology Differential Diagnosis
 - Mega Cisterna Magna
 - Pouch Cyst
 - Arachnoid
- Cerebellar Hypoplasia ... Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia
Gastric Epithelial Polyps - Evaluation and Management 
Hyperplastic Polyps
Fundic gland polyps (FGP)
Gastric Adenomas
Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumours (NET)
and Management Hyperplastic