40 results
Localized skin infections and associations: Cellulitis, Bite wounds, Ulcers, Nodules, Eschars 

Ulcers, Nodules, Eschars ... cellulitis #ulcer #eschar
Placenta Increta - Antenatal ultrasonography suggested placenta accreta (Panel A), with the appearance of irregular vascular
Placenta Increta ... suggested placenta accreta ... diagnosis of placenta increta ... OBGyn #Placenta #Increta
Causes of Post-Partum Hemorrhage - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Blood Loss: >500mL post vaginal delivery OR >1000 mL
placentation (placenta accreta ... , increta, or percreta
#tachenoir #eschar #fever #Rash #rickettsia #rickettsial #parkeri #akari #africae #conorii #orientia #tsutsugamushi #tick #mite 
By Dr.
#tachenoir #eschar
Pressure Ulcer Staging
Stage 1 - Skin intact. Non-blanchable erythema
Stage 2 - Partial loss of dermis. Shallow
with slough or eschar
Paradoxical chest movement in Flail Chest 

Oscar Reyes @OR_ECMO

#Flail #Chest #clinical #video #physicalexam #trauma #thoracic
Flail Chest Oscar
Decubitus Ulcer Staging - Pressure Ulcer Stages help staff determine Degree of Harm to the patient.

• Slough or eschar ... • Slough or eschar
Oral Hypoglycemics in Diabetes Management
 • TZD 
(Invokana) 4 INCRETIN
ID Approach to Fever and Rash - Diagnostic Algorithm
Central Maculopapular (most common):
Measles, Parvovirus 819 / EBV,
Sweet syndrome Eschar
Burn Injury - Depth and Grading Degrees
Superficial thickness (first degree): 
 • Painful, Does not blister,
blister, Does not scar ... surgery, but may scar ... with substantial scar