29 results
Diagnosis of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
In research, MCS is defined based on the following:20
1. It is chronic
ToxicantInducedLossOfTolerance #TILT ... QeesiInventory #IntegrativeMedicine
Parkinsonian Gait 

Parkinson's gait is very characteristic: Standing, the patient tends to tilt the trunk forward,
patient tends to tilt
Orthostatic Hypotension Management Algorithm
 • Hypovolemic?  Yes → Resuscitate
 • Volume Overloaded? No → Fludrocortisone
volume • Head-up-tilt
Important Orthopedic Angles
 • Calcaneum Fracture: 
    - Bohler's Angle
5- Volar tilt
Algorithm for the diagnosis of hyponatremia.

If you start with the osmolalities, urinary sodium etc first and
status assessment til
Thromboelastogram Interpretation
Reaction Time (R Value):
 - Time till initiation of fibrin clot
 - Treatment: FFP, protamine
Value): - Time till
Trichobezoar on Endoscopy
13 years old.  Vomiting since 1 year with hair loss and abdominal lump.
the trichobezoar till
Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach Phenomenon) 2nd Degree AV Block on EKG
 • P-R interval gradually increases
gradually increases till
Management of Supine Hypertension
 • Avoid offending agents
 • Avoid lying down during the day; rest
treatments - Tilt ... tolerating this measure tilt
Barrett's Esophagus (BE) Documentation 
1. 1st description as - ESEM (endoscopically suspected esophageal metaplasia), NOT as
suck air gently till