1902 results
Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (BINO)

Bilateral Internuclear ophthalmoplegia in chronic Multiple sclerosis. Note the adduction lag in the
Bilateral Internuclear ... ) Bilateral Internuclear ... #Bilateral #Internuclear ... #BINO #ocular #physicalexam
WEBINO on Ocular Examination

WEBINO = Wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia with Midbrain exotropia,  b/l ADduction impairment,
Wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ... WEBINO #Walleyed #internuclear ... clinical #video #physicalexam
One and a Half Syndrome on Physical Exam

This 28 year old patient presented to clinic with
one side and an internuclear ... Half #Syndrome #PhysicalExam
Wall-eyed bilateral inter nuclear ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO) Syndrome

In this specific case, the lesion is bilaterally in the
Walleyed #bilateral #internuclear
Trichodysplasia spinulosa: follicles plugged w/ hyperkeratotic & parakeratotic debris, excessive inner root sheath differentiation towards keratinization.
EM shows intranuclear
Multiple Sclerosis - Summary

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune-mediated neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system
syndromes such as internuclear ... Lhermitte’s sign • Internuclear
Jugular Venous Distension on PhysicalExam

#JVP #Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Cardiology #Neck #Video #Jugular
Distension on PhysicalExam ... Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System

#Respiratory #PhysicalExam #Pulmonary #Diagnosis #Signs #Assessment #Examination
#Respiratory #PhysicalExam
Pediatric Cardiovascular Exam - Infographic Checklist

#PhysicalExam #Cardiovascular #Checklist #Cardiology #Signs #Findings #Peds #Pediatrics #Paediatrics
Infographic Checklist #PhysicalExam
Directed Physical Examination in Syncope

#Syncope #PhysicalExam #Findings #Diagnosis
Syncope #Syncope #PhysicalExam