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An Approach to Jaundice Workup Algorithm by CBC and LFT Pattern

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong

#Jaundice #Workup
Algorithm by CBC and LFT ... Algorithm #Patterns #LFTs
Liver Function Tests (LFTs)
 - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 
 - Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 
 - Alkaline
Function Tests (LFTs ... Function #Tests #LFTs
Features of Components of Liver Function Tests #Diagnosis #IM #GI #LFTs #Liver #Function #Tests #Locations #AlkPhos
Diagnosis #IM #GI #LFTs
Evaluation abnormal liver tests in pregnancy
- Cholestatic Pattern
- Hepatocellular Pattern

#LFTs #transaminits #pregnancy #obgyn #obstetrics #hepatology #diagnosis
Hepatocellular Pattern #LFTs
Liver Enzymes (LFTs) - Causes of Hepatocellular and Cholestatic Liver Injury
Hepatocellular Liver Injury
 • AST/ALT elevation
Liver Enzymes (LFTs ... Liver #Enzymes #LFTs
Reference Laboratory Values - Fishbone Shorthand
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP), Liver Function Tests
Function Tests (LFTs
Liver Function Test (LFTs) Elevation
AST - Cardiac and skeletal muscle, kidney, brain
ALT - More specific for
Function Test (LFTs ... #FunctionTest #LFTs
Differential Diagnosis of Jaundice, Presentation Pattern #Diagnosis #EM #IM #GI #Jaundice #Pattern #LFTs #Workup #Table #Differential
Jaundice #Pattern #LFTs
Elevated Liver Function Tests (LFTs) - Differential Diagnosis Framework
Mild (<100-500): 
 • Cirrhosis
Function Tests (LFTs ... Function #Tests #LFTs
Gynecomastia - Differential Diagnosis a
nd Workup Algorithm
Gynecomastia is common in clinical practice, affecting ~50% of males
Gynecomastia is common in clinical ... Labs: TSH, Cr, LFTs