4045 results
An Approach to Jaundice Workup Algorithm by CBC and LFT Pattern

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong

#Jaundice #Workup
Algorithm by CBC and LFT ... Algorithm #Patterns #LFTs
Liver Function Tests (LFTs)
 - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 
 - Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 
 - Alkaline
Function Tests (LFTs ... Function #Tests #LFTs
Features of Components of Liver Function Tests #Diagnosis #IM #GI #LFTs #Liver #Function #Tests #Locations #AlkPhos
Diagnosis #IM #GI #LFTs
Liver Abscess on POCUS
24yo healthy F to ED w/rigors &DCed. 2/2 blood cx + for fusobacterium,
asymptomatic, CBC/chem/LFTs ... POCUS #Clinical #Ultrasound
Evaluation abnormal liver tests in pregnancy
- Cholestatic Pattern
- Hepatocellular Pattern

#LFTs #transaminits #pregnancy #obgyn #obstetrics #hepatology #diagnosis
Hepatocellular Pattern #LFTs
Liver Enzymes (LFTs) - Causes of Hepatocellular and Cholestatic Liver Injury
Hepatocellular Liver Injury
 • AST/ALT elevation
Liver Enzymes (LFTs ... Liver #Enzymes #LFTs
Reference Laboratory Values - Fishbone Shorthand
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP), Liver Function Tests
Function Tests (LFTs
Fetal Yawn on Fetal Ultrasound

Baby captured yawning during ultrasound exam. Nap time soon.

Robert Jones @RJonesSonoEM

#Fetal #Yawn
Yawn on Fetal Ultrasound ... yawning during ultrasound ... #Fetal #Yawn #Ultrasound ... POCUS #Obstetrics #Radiology
Liver Function Test (LFTs) Elevation
AST - Cardiac and skeletal muscle, kidney, brain
ALT - More specific for
Function Test (LFTs ... #FunctionTest #LFTs
Differential Diagnosis of Jaundice, Presentation Pattern #Diagnosis #EM #IM #GI #Jaundice #Pattern #LFTs #Workup #Table #Differential
Jaundice #Pattern #LFTs