710 results
Vertebral Spine Curvature
 - Cervical (Lordosis)
 - Thoracic (Kyphosis)
 - Lumbar (Lordosis)
 - Sacral (Kyphosis)

By @rev.med

Curvature - Cervical (Lordosis ... Kyphosis) - Lumbar (Lordosis
Ankylosing Spondylitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical findings
 • Pain in lumbar area and gluteal region: (Dull, insidious
flexion, Decr Lumbar lordosis ... X-ray: loss of lordosis
#Scoliosis- an #S-shaped curve in the #spine, as noted in the image above, there are several
are several #Lordosis
Central Venous Catheter site selection - Clinical Decision Aid
IJ vs Subclavian vs Supraclavicular vs Femoral by
#Management #CriticalCare ... Catheters #CVC #Lines #Rates
Do you manage Kids’ airway?

Paediatric Airway Chart for the FOAMed Airway crew who deals with kids’
Chart for the FOAMed ... - Dr Eric Levi FRACS
Orthopedic Splints, Casts, Plasters, Traction and Frames
Upper Limb and Spine 
, Traction and Frames ... • BÖHLER BRAUN FRAME ... ill-development of lumbar lordosis ... : A frame employed ... Casts #Plasters #Frames
Keeping up with Atypical Antipsychotics (aka second generation antipsychotics - SGA). I'll be posting series of
remembering their names ... FamilyMedicine #MedEd #FOAMed
Graves Hyperthyroidism - Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
Low TSH -> TSH-R-Ab+ -> Graves' Hyperthyroidism

doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa646

#Graves #Disease #Hyperthyroidism
Graves Hyperthyroidism ... > TSH-R-Ab+ -> Graves ... clinem/dgaa646 #Graves
Hyperthyroidism and Thyrotoxicosis Interpretation Table
 - Autonomy (Graves)
 - Autonomy (toxic nodule)
 - Exogenous thyroid hormone
- Autonomy (Graves ... endocrinology #graves
Cardiogenic Shock algorithm #algorithm #cardiology #cardiogenicshock #criticalcare #algorithm
cardiogenicshock #criticalcare