422 results
Dermatomes and Myotomal Maps - Netter #Anatomy #Neuro #Netter #Dermatomes #Myotomal #Maps #ALiEM
Dermatomes and Myotomal Maps ... Dermatomes #Myotomal #Maps
Maps of the geographic distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL)

#visceral #leishmaniasis #VL #maps #distribution #geography #endemic #areas
Maps of the geographic ... leishmaniasis #VL #maps
Maps of the geographic distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL)

#cutaneous #leishmaniasis #CL #maps #distribution #geography #endemic #areas
Maps of the geographic ... leishmaniasis #CL #maps
Approach to Possible Hypertensive Emergency

criteria required to diagnose hypertensive emergency
(1) Severe hypertension
 - Usually a MAP
- Usually a MAP ... occur at lower MAPs
Evolution of MRI Findings in Stroke

MR images at five subsequent time points in a 67-year-old woman
On the ADC maps, ... on the ADCFLAIR map
CREST Syndrome: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

CALCINOSIS (BB-sized, hard nodules in fingers)
RAYNAUD'S Phenomenon
SCLERODACTYLY (thickening and tightening
skin distal to MCPs ... & MTPs) TELANGIECTASIA ... hands distal to MCPs ... feet distal to MTPs
Marcus Gunn Pupil - Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD)
Definition: Afferent loop of the pupillary light reflex
Marcus Gunn Pupil ... flashlight test Robert Marcus ... @neudrawlogy #Marcus
Marcus-Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis

Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis is the most common form of congenital neurogenic
Marcus-Gunn Jaw ... Winking Ptosis Marcus ... #Marcus #Gunn #Jaw
Marcus-Gunn Jaw-Winking syndrome from congenital neurosyphilis

Sucking elicits blinking.  Once you see it you won't forget.

Marcus-Gunn Jaw-Winking ... NICU_Musings #Marcus
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon - Jaw Winking Syndrome

Jaw-winking syndrome is thought to be caused by abnormal innervation
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon ... #Marcus #Gunn #Phenomenon