17 results
Muddy Brown Granular Casts three ways - Brightfield, Darkfield, Phase Contrast.

Dr. Vipin Varghese @vipvargh

#Muddy #Brown #Granular
Muddy Brown Granular ... Varghese @vipvargh #Muddy ... urine #microscopy #MBGC
Examples of varying granular and granular/waxy mixed casts: 
A: coarse granular/broad-waxy (and surrounding white blood cells);
light granular/muddy ... granular, C and D: muddy
Granular & “Muddy Brown” Casts on Urine Microscopy
A. Finely granular cast B. slightly coarser granular cast
Granular & “Muddy ... coarse (c) and muddy
Muddy Brown Casts in ATN
#Clinical #Path #Nephro #Urine #Microscopy #MuddyBrownCasts #ATN
Muddy Brown Casts
Core IM: Pearls on Contrast-Induced Nephropathy

 • no slam dunk criteria 
 • definition in
signs of ATN (muddy ... #Diagnosis #Management
"Buddy View" - Testicular Ultrasound

Dr. Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh

#Buddy #View #Testicular #Ultrasound #clinical #scrotal #anatomy #labeled
"Buddy View" - Testicular ... Herbst @EUSmkh #Buddy
Urinary Casts and Disease Associations
Hyaline - May be nonspecific; seen in normal individuals or during severe
cellular casts "Muddy-brown
Urine Microscopy - Casts
Acellular Casts
 • Hyaline Casts - Consists of only precipitated Tamm-Horsfell protein without
• "Muddy Brown
Atlas of Urine Microscopy Findings
 • Epithelial cells - Normal
 • Renal tubular cells - Acute
renal disease • “Muddy
Disorders of the Hepatic and Mesenteric Circulation

Platelets in Cirrhosis
Hypercoagulability in Cirrhosis
Bleeding in Cirrhosis
Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)
Thrombosis (MVT) Budd ... Gastroenterology #diagnosis #Management