86 results
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Visualized Intraoperatively - MICS CABG Surgery

- Rodrigo Ribeiro de Souza MD @rodrigo_md_1979

Intraoperatively - MICS ... surgery #video #MICS
Infections Rats can Transmit to Humans
Other infections not highlighted include Lassa fever, Plague, Salmonella, Tularemia etc

Management #Rodents #Mice
Fusarium Treatment
 • Antifungal "susceptibility" can vary with Fusarium spp
 • F. oxysporum: low MICS to
oxysporum: low MICS ... higher in vitro MICS
Antifungal Coverage Activity Antibiogram 

Spectrum of action of systemic antifungal agents. Solid blocks represent species in
itraconazole; MICA
Spectrum of activity for systemic antifungal agents
Antifungals: 5FC, flucytosine; AMB, amphotericin B; ANI, anidulafungin; CAS, caspofungin;
itraconazole; MICA
Antifungal Echinocandins  - Antibiotics Class Overview

Mechanism: Inhibit glucan synthesis in fungal cell wall by blocking
But higher MICs
Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing Methods
1) Kirby Bauer Disk Diffusion: disks impregnanted w/ Abx → circular gradient →
inhibition. x MIC ... -well plate. ✓ MIC ... meets strip ✓ MIC ... to determine ✓ MIC
Vasopressors and Inotropes
 • Norepinephrine - Levophed - "Levo" - Generally thought of as the first
common in OR; in MICU
Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) vs. Kawasaki Disease
CDC Case Definition for MIS-C;
 • < 21
Syndrome in Children (MIS-C ... Definition for MIS-C ... or recentl #MISC
Progressive Massive Fibrosis aka Complicated Silicosis.
Silicosis is a fibrotic lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline
coal, kaolin, mica