Antifungal Coverage Activity Antibiogram Spectrum of action of systemic antifungal agents. Solid blocks represent species in which the antifungal agent has demonstrated microbiological and clinical efficacy. Blocks with dotted lines indicate fungal genera/species in which resistance is common. AMB = amphotericin; ANID = anidulafungin; CAS = caspofungin; 5-FC = flucytosine; FLU = fluconazole; ITRA = itraconazole; MICA = micafungin; POSA = posaconazole; VORI = voriconazole. #Antifungal #Spectrum #Coverage #Antibiogram #Resistance #Triazoles #Polyenes #Echinocandins #Pharmacology #InfectiousDiseases #sensitivities