829 results
MOVE STUPID - Mnemonic for Altered Mental Status (Delirium)
 - Metabolic (hypercalcemia, hyponatremia)
 - Oxygen (hypoxia)
MOVE STUPID - Mnemonic ... Drugs, Alcohol #MOVE
Paradoxical Respirations in Diaphragmatic Paralysis

Note the paradoxical movement of the abdomen during inspiration. The accessory inspiratory
flaccid diaphragm to move ... abdominal wall to move
Grading of Muscle Strength (1-5):

5 - The muscle can move the joint it crosses through a
The muscle can move ... The muscle can move ... The muscle can move ... The muscle can move
Plantar Reflex (Babinski) Equivalents
Plantar toe reflex - Babinski - Move an object along the lateral aspect
reflex - Babinski - Move ... Chaddock - Move ... patient's shin and move
Seesaw nystagmus 
-> eye move in an opposed vertical fashion (one goes up while the other
nystagmus -> eye move ... which one eye moves ... up as the other moves
Acid Base Compensation - Directions - If all three variables (pH, HCO2, pCO2) move in the
pH, HCO2, pCO2) move
Motor and Reflex Grading (0-5)

Motor Strength Grading

5	Normal

4	Reduced, moves against resistance

3	Moves against gravity

2	Moves only with elimination of
Normal 4 Reduced, moves ... resistance 3 Moves ... against gravity 2 Moves
Seesaw Nystagmus on Physical Exam

Ocular examination revealed rhythmic, torsional, and vertical movement in which the eye
rotating inward moved ... the other eye moved
One-and-a-Half Syndrome
1 - One eye cannot move AT ALL horizontally
1/2 - The other eye can only
One eye cannot move
Abnormal Doll's Eye (Oculocephalic) Reflex on Physical Examination

Normally, a patient's eyes should move in the opposite
patient's eyes should move