2407 results
Winged Scapula on Physical Exam

Caused by injury to the long thoracic nerve

#Winged #Scapula #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
clinical #video #neurology ... #msk
Anterior Interosseous Peripheral Nerve Injury 

Manifested as the inability to make the OK sign.

by Dr. Boby
clinical #video #neurology ... #physicalexam #msk ... #sports #neurology
Causes of Low Back Pain - Differential Diagnosis
Intrinsic Spine: Lumbar strain, Herniated nucleus pulposus, Compression fracture,
cholecystitis; • Neurologic ... #primarycare #msk
Left Wrist Drop - Radial Nerve Palsy on Physical Examination

Left hand drop due to compression of
#orthopedics #msk ... #sports #neurology
Right Winged Scapula on Physical Exam

Caused by injury to the long thoracic nerve

#Winged #Scapula #PhysicalExam #clinical
clinical #video #neurology ... #msk
Mytomes - Segmental Innervation of Muscles
Shoulder	Abduction	C5	Axillary Nerve
Shoulder	Adduction	C6-C8	Thoracodorsal Nerve
Elbow	Flexion	C5	Musculocutaneous Nerve
Elbow	Extension	C7	Radial Nerve
Wrist	Extension	C6	Radial Nerve
Fingers	Flexion	C8	Median Nerve
Fingers	Abduction	T1	Ulnar Nerve
Hip	Flexion	L2	Nerve to Psoas
Hip	Extension	S1	Inferior Gluteal
#MuscleGroups #MSK ... #Orthopedics #Neurology
Froment’s Test for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

This tests for pinch grip weakness caused by ulnar nerve palsy,
clinical #video #neurology ... #physicalexam #msk
Positive Hoffmann's sign (finger flexor reflex)

Flexion and adduction of the thumb and flexion of the index
#physicalexam #msk ... #orthopedics #neurology
Wartenberg Sign in Ulnar Neuropathy

Abnormal abductor the fifth finger due to ulnar neuropathy ( weakness of
#physicalexam #neurology ... #msk #sports #orthopedics
Trendelenburg Gait: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Skeletal Pathology of the Hip
 • Arthritis
 • Congenital hip dysplasia
Chondrodysplasia Neurologic ... signs #diagnosis #msk