728 results
Mallet Finger
Absence of a fracture does NOT exclude Mallet finger, the extension function of the DIP
maintain free movement ... Discharge with orthpedic ... Management #Hand #Orthopedics
Neer Test for Shoulder Impingement on Physical Examination

With the arm fully pronated, raise the arm above
forward flexion movement ... #MSK #sports #orthopedics
Neer Test for Shoulder Impingement on Physical Examination

With the arm fully pronated, raise the arm above
forward flexion movement ... #MSK #sports #orthopedics
Anterior Shoulder Dislocation - ED Management
The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated major joint, 95% of
rotation, resist movement ... Diagnosis #Management #Orthopedics
Thompson Test for Achilles Tendon Injury

In the normal right side, squeezing the calf results in plantar
side, there is no movement ... #physicalexam #orthopedics
Thompson Test for Achilles Tendon Injury

In the normal right side, squeezing the calf results in plantar
side, there is no movement ... #physicalexam #orthopedics
Thompson Test for Achilles Tendon Injury

In the normal left side, squeezing the calf results in plantar
side, there is no movement ... #physicalexam #orthopedics
Maudsley's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the wrist prone, resist extension of the 3rd digit,
This movement stresses ... #msk #sports #orthopedics
Maudsley's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the wrist prone, the patient attempts extension of the
This movement stresses ... #msk #sports #orthopedics
Patellar Apprehension Test for Patellar Instability on Knee Examination

The Patellar Apprehension Test evaluates for patellar subluxation
apprehensive about the movement ... #msk #sports #orthopedics