12 results
Sonographic Murphy sign : one of the most important sonographic signs in acute cholecystitis.

Mohammed Alshamsi

#Clinical #POCUS
Sonographic Murphy ... Cholecystitis #Murphys
Acute “calculus” cholecystitis: gallstones, anterior wall > 3mm and + sonographic murphys sign. “Integral” in managing
+ sonographic murphys
Abdominal Pain - Physical Examination Signs and Maneuvers
 - Murphy's sign
 - Kehr's sign
 - McBurney's
and Maneuvers - Murphy's
Cholecystitis on Gallbladder POCUS 

The landmark for the gallbladder is the portal vein, usually seen superiorly
& sonographic murphy's
Diseases of the Biliary Tract
Asymptomatic gallstones - Asymptomatic
Symptomatic gallstones - Biliary pain
Cholesterolosis of gallbladder - Usually
vomiting, fever, Murphy
rather easy case : 74 yrs old patient, febrile epigastric pain. Gallblader with tiny lithiasis, sludge,
and echographic Murphy
Case of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis (FHC) on CT

28F +4d RUQ pain worse w/ inspiration, 102F fever, no vaginal
Exam: +Murphy's.
Stone-In-Neck Sign on POCUS

A patient presents with abdominal pain and tenderness over this area. The scan
with sonographic murphy
Impacted Gallbladder Stone on POCUS
20's female with RUQ pain x 20 hrs. Has positive Murphy's. Vitals
Has positive Murphy's
Case of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis (FHC) Adhesions

28F +4d RUQ pain worse w/ inspiration, 102F fever, no vaginal discharge,
Exam: +Murphy's.