1075 results
Acute Esophageal Necrosis
History: Hematemesis and/or melena (70%), Dysphagia, Epigastric/chest pain, Sepsis
Diagnosis EGD and Biopsy
Differential: Melanosis, Melanoma,
pneumoniae) Management: NPO ... , no NGT, mlVF,
Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting

Infographic by Dr. Jesse Burk-Rafel

> 8 hours - Heavy foods (fried/fatty) and
0-2 hours - NPO ... articleid=2596245 #NPO
Major Adverse Events and Relationship of NPO Status in Pediatric Sedation/Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room

Source Paper:
Relationship of NPO ... via @TheSGEM #NPO
The Gastroenterology Consult Primer
Guide to Calling a GI Consult
 - Start with reason for consult
Course: - NPO
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Inpatient Medication Guide

Classes: Biguanide, Sulfonylurea, TZD, DPP-4 inhibitor, GLP-1 receptor agonist, SGLT2i,
mealtime • If NPO
ABCs of Endoscopic Perforation Management
A - Air by itself, not an adverse event. Control insufflation, ALWAYS
luminal contents (NPO ... nutrition if prolonged NPO
Checklist Approach to Hypokalemia

Consider risk factors for arrhythmia:
 - EKG changes (especially QT prolongation)
 - Digoxin
hypokalemia (<2.5 mM), NPO
Intern Pocket Cards - Daily Rounding and Disposition Checklist
Daily Checklist:
 • FEN/GI:
Indications for NPO ... aspiration of all PO
Appendicitis on POCUS
68 y/o male with acute RLQ pain, involuntary guarding, WBC 20.  Probe where
IV abx, IVF, NPO
Esophageal Necrosis
 - Ischemia and Gastric Outlet Obstruction with GERD may be inciting events
 - Associated
underlying illness - NPO