787 results
Von Graefe's Sign - Graves' Eyelid Ophthalmopathy on Ocular Exam

Lagging of the upper eyelid on downward
Graves' Eyelid Ophthalmopathy ... Graves #Eyelid #Ophthalmopathy ... #PhysicalExam #ophthalmology
Diplopia - Double Vision - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Clinical Pearls:
 • Diplopia is almost always binocular.
Hemorrhage Grave's Ophthalmopathy ... Algorithm #Causes #Ophthalmology
Thyroid Eye Signs 
Lid Signs
    Dalrymple’s Sign: Lid Retraction.
ENDOCRINOLOGY #OPHTHALMOLOGY ... #clinical #ophthalmopathy
Thyroid Ophthalmopathy, Dermopathy, and Acropachy - Proptosis (Panel A) and pretibial myxedema (Panel B). His physical
Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
Approach to Thyroid Function Tests in the Evaluation of Hyperthyroidism
 • Low TSH, Low normal T4
enlarged thyroid & ophthalmopathy
Graves Disease - Autoimmune Hyperthyroidism
Epidemiology: Most common cause of hyperthyroidism, Incidence peaks at 30-50
1 )
Autoimmunity: Ophthalmopathy
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)
 • Sudden, painless, monocular loss of vision 
 • "Blood and
Management: • Ophthalmology ... Clinical #Fundoscopy #Ophthalmology
Eyeball Muscles - Ocular Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Eyeball #Muscles #Ocular #Anatomy #ophthalmology #extraocular
Ocular #Anatomy #ophthalmology
Cornea Anatomy
#Anatomy #Ophthalmology #Corneal #Bowmans #Descemets #Membrane
Anatomy #Anatomy #Ophthalmology
Eyeball Anatomy - Extraocular Muscles

By @rev.med

#Eyeball #Anatomy #Extraocular #Muscles #Ocular #ophthalmology
Muscles #Ocular #ophthalmology