89 results
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Patient

#Osteogenesis #Imperfecta #clinical #video #physicalexam #OI #pediatrics
Osteogenesis Imperfecta ... Patient #Osteogenesis ... #physicalexam #OI
HIV Associated Infections Based on CD4 Count 

#Diagnosis #InfectiousDisease #CD4Count #HIV #AIDS #Opportunistic #Infections #OI #Table
Opportunistic #Infections #OI
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS) - Pathophysiology
Risk factors:
 - Low CD4 count
 - Disseminated OI
Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS ... - Disseminated OI ... inflammatory response to OI ... Short duration or OI ... Inflammatory #Syndrome #IRIS
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome - Overview of IRIS

What Is IRIS?
	• A state of hyperinflammatory response that
- Overview of IRIS ... What Is IRIS ... Paradoxical IRIS ... Unmasking IRIS: ... weeks for most OI
Initiation of ART in HIV patients with Opportunistic Infections
 • Pulmonary TB and CD4 cell count
weeks of starting OI
Slit Lamp Evaluation Mnemonic - L's & C's

Mnemonic for systematically assessing all portions of the eye,
Lacrima Lens (and iris ... Cornea (and iris
Post Traumatic Iridodonesis 

Dr. João Victor Negrão - https://www.instagram.com/joaovrtn/

#Iris #Iridodonesis #Clinical #Video #Ophthalmology #Traumatic #Eye #PhysicalExam
/joaovrtn/ #Iris

Physical examination revealed iridodonesis, or “dancing” of the iris, which was elicited by rapid movement of
dancing” of the iris ... tremulousness of the iris ... #Iridodonesis #Iris
Causes of Severe Aortic Regurgitation - Differential Diagnosis
 • Leaflet: Traumatic Rupture, Acute Infective Endocarditis, Acute
Genetic Aortopathy: Osteogenesis
Anisocoria Evaluation Flow Chart - Differential Diagnosis
1. Check pupillary reaction to light 
2. Measure pupil size.
Pupil - Traumatic Iris