454 results
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy

Laryngomalacia is a flaccidity of an area of ​​the throat (supraglottic larynx) that causes
Laryngomalacia on Laryngoscopy ... the mouth, using laryngoscopy ... Laryngomalacia #Laryngoscopy ... clinical #video #otolaryngology
Difficult Airway Algorithm

1. Assess the likelihood and clinical impact of basic management problems: 
 • Difficulty
• Difficult laryngoscopy ... Video-assisted laryngoscopy ... Anesthesiology #Anesthesia #CriticalCare
Anterior Neck Triangle Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Anterior #Neck #Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Ortner's (Cardiovocal) Syndrome - Left Vocal Cord Paralysis on Laryngoscopy

A 42 yo presented with a hoarse
Cord Paralysis on Laryngoscopy ... Cord #Paralysis #Laryngoscopy
Larynx and Thyroid Nerves - Innervation Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Nerves #Innervation #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Innervation #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Submandibular Neck Triangle Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Submandibular #Neck #Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Triangle #Anatomy #Otolaryngology
Tonsillar Hypertrophy on Bronchoscopy

By Dr. Altair Costa Jr @altair.doc

#Epiglottis #Tonsillar #Hypertrophy #Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy #clinical #video #pulmonary
#Bronchoscopy #laryngoscopy ... video #pulmonary #otolaryngology
Maxillary Artery Anatomy and Branches

By @rev.med

#Maxillary #Artery #Anatomy #otolaryngology #arteries
Artery #Anatomy #otolaryngology
Larynx and Thyroid Anatomy - Blood and Nerve Supply

By @rev.med

#Larynx #Thyroid #Anatomy #Blood #Nerves #Innervation #otolaryngology
#Innervation #otolaryngology
Web chart of various etiologies related to congenital neck masses.

#differential #causes #pediatrics #congenital #neck #head #masses
#head #masses #otolaryngology