73 results
Ivermectin. Old anti-parasitic agent making a comeback with recent headlines from in-vitro study that showed antiviral
Coronavirus #SARS-CoV-2 #Pandemic ... #Outbreak #InfectiousDiseases
COVID-19 review…here is a list of some of the drugs that are currently being used or
Treatment #Management #Pandemic ... #Outbreak #InfectiousDiseases
Fatality / Mortality Calculations in an Outbreak
There are a number of different types of rates, risks,
Calculations in an Outbreak ... important in an outbreak ... #Calculations #Outbreak
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Acute Diarrhea (< 7 days)
Are the following present?
Travel to endemic ... Community water-borne outbreak
*Coronavirus Update*: investigational remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19. Here is a quick highlight of two
InfectiousDisease #Virology #Outbreak
Stool Cultures - Indications in Diarrhea
Patient Categories to Order Stool Cultures On:
 • Persisting 1 week
for potential outbreak
Bandemia Overview

Normal: < 1%
Clinically significant: > 10%

Band neutrophils are slightly less mature than segmented neutrophils and
Bandemia Overview ... moderate and high BANDemia ... -0/abstract BANDemia ... Degree of bandemia ... bacteremia • Bandemia
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
current COVID-19 pandemic
Pneumonia - Causative Organisms
 • CAP - Typical, Atypical, Endemic
 • Aspiration
 • Decreased Immunity
Typical, Atypical, Endemic
Endemic Mycoses Summary
 • Blastomyces dermatitidis
 • Histoplasma capsulatum
 • Coccidioides immitis/posadasii
 • Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

by Tim
Endemic Mycoses