25 results
Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity Scale (PAWSS)

Part B: Based on patient interview: 

1. Have you ever
Severity Scale (PAWSS ... agitation, nausea) #PAWSS
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) - ICU OnePager

Scoring Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS):
 • CIWA-Ar
Syndrome (AWS): • PAWSS
Breast Anatomy - Arterial Blood Supply
The breast has a rich blood supply, which permits safe division
on vessels that pass
Dizziness and Vertigo Algorithm
 • Feels "faint" or like they are going to "pass out"
are going to "pass
Pediatric Elbow Injuries - Elbow Xrays

Check the fat pads on the lateral projection:
1. A displaced anterior
and neck should pass ... the capitellum pass
ISTH Scoring System for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
Platelet count:
 • Expected: Low (or normal)
 • Elevation
of RBCs as they pass
Management of Pediatric Kidney Stones
Acute Managment:
 • Pain relief: NSAIDs, opioids
 • Facilitating passage of stone:
majority < 5 mm will pass ... mm: unlikely to pass
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) - Endoscopic ReFerence Score (EREFS)
Edema (Loss of vascular markings):
 - Grade 0: Distinct
Scope will not pass
Age Related Macular Degeneration: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Photoreceptor atrophy 
-> Extracellular debris (drusen) from RPE atrophy/metabolism
retina cannot pass
Some Mechanisms of Resistance to Antibiotics
 • Drug resistance due to altered targets
cephalosporins do not pass