11 results
PEN-FAST Penicillin Allergy Risk Score
PEN - Penicillin allergy reported by patient
F - Five years or less
PMID: 32176248) #PENFAST
Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (eFAST) Exam - POCUS Assessment Protocol

Infographic by Dr. Jonny
Sonography in Trauma (eFAST ... Wilkinsonjonny #eFAST
The RSC-RUQ exam: a modified eFAST/ trauma US view
Modified RUQ exam for hemothorax & free fluid
exam: a modified eFAST ... window, standard eFAST
Hemopericardium on POCUS Echocardiogram - Subcostal View

Valentine's day.  Shot through the heart--but not by Cupid.
Also on eFAST had
Pediatric Trauma Primary Survey: C-ABCDE
C - Catastrophic Bleeding - Life-threatening hemorrhage
 • Apply direct pressure/compression bandage
abdomen/pelvis, eFAST
Intraoperative Mains Oxygen Supply Failure - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia

Complete failure of wall or pendant
failure of wall or pendant
Act FAST, Save Lives! Learn the BEFAST acronym and recognize the warning signs of a stroke.
Learn the BEFAST ... known cause #BEFAST
Positive FAST Exam on POCUS
Pt fell off her bike. Is this FAST positive or negative? 
Positive eFAST exam
Pacemaker Wire on POCUS 

Cool image - This was an older patient who was in a
was seen on her EFAST
Free Fluid on Fast Exam

Free fluid in the LLQ typically first collects around the spleen and
#FreeFluid #eFast