526 results
Ulnar Fovea Sign Test for Fovea Disruption

Useful for patients with pain along the ulnar aspect of
elicited with palpation ... #physicalexam #orthopedics
Lateral Epicondylitis Corticosteroid Injection

Lateral epicondylitis injection. Easy. Find point of maximal tenderness on palpating and should
tenderness on palpating ... procedure #msk #orthopedics
Orthopedic Essentials - Spinal Trauma and Spine Classification 
Anterior column:
Orthopedic Essentials ... injury: • On palpation ... Classification #Orthopedics
Cozen's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

The examiner should stabilize the elbow with patient's forearm fully
pronated, while palpating ... #sports #msk #orthopedics
Mill's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the elbow fully extended and forearm pronated, passively flex
the wrist while palpating ... physicalexam #msk #orthopedics
Costoclavicular (Eden’s) Test for Thoracic Outlet / Costoclavicular Syndrome

While palpating the radial pulses, the examiner pulls
Syndrome While palpating ... vascular #msk #orthopedics
Costoclavicular (Eden’s) Test for Thoracic Outlet / Costoclavicular Syndrome

While palpating the radial pulses, the examiner pulls
Syndrome While palpating ... vascular #msk #orthopedics
Golfer’s Elbow Test

While supporting the elbow and palpating the medial epicondyle with one hand, the examiner
the elbow and palpating ... #physicalexam #orthopedics
Maudsley's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the wrist prone, resist extension of the 3rd digit,
3rd digit, while palpating ... #msk #sports #orthopedics
Elbow Valgus Stress Test for Medial (Ulnar) Collateral Ligament Stability

While palpating the medial joint line of
Stability While palpating ... #sports #msk #orthopedics