2787 results
Ground Glass Opacities on Lung CT - Pathophysiology
Ground glass opacity lung is denser (whiter) than normal
caused by the partial ... things that can partially ... Pathophysiology #Radiology
Partial molar pregnancy found POCUS in the peds ED. Hypertensive, no vomiting, no bleeding.

 - Dr.
Partial molar pregnancy ... POCUS #Obstetrics #Radiology
Aortocoronary Saphenous-Vein–Graft Aneurysms - Radiography of the chest revealed a mediastinal, hilar mass lesion on the
chest revealed two partially ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Cardiology #CTA
Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS), previously known as “meconium ileus equivalent,” is an entity unique to
that is caused by partial ... #Clinical #IM #Radiology
Cervical Central Canal and Neural Foraminal Stenosis Grading

Cervical Central Canal Stenosis Grading
 - Normal - No
effacement - Mild - Partial ... Classification #Diagnosis #Radiology
Laryngocele- ...On physical examination, he had nontender, compressible swelling in the left cervical region that transmitted
cord that was partially ... #laryngoscope #radiology
Trypanosoma cruzi Reactivation in the Brain- ...Magnetic resonance images of the brain showed a mass measuring
on the basis of partial ... reactivation #brain #MRI #radiology
Haglund Syndrome - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • The Haglund Deformity (enlarged superior margin calcaneal posterior process)
Syndrome - MSK Radiology ... posterior process) • Partial ... mri #clinical #Radiology
Polo Mint Sign on Chest CT
 • Partial filling defect in a blood vessel surrounded by
on Chest CT • Partial ... Pulmonary #diagnosis #radiology
The findings are:
 - Large density on the left with loss of cardiac silhouette.
 - High
possibly also partial ... there is probably partial ... #Clinical #Radiology