2743 results
Pendular Nystagmus on Ocular Exam

Pendular nystagmus seen in this patient with multiple sclerosis

#Pendular #Nystagmus #Ocular #PhysicalExam
Pendular Nystagmus ... Ocular Exam Pendular ... sclerosis #Pendular
Seesaw Nystagmus 

Sawtooth or seesaw nystagmus is an unusual but characteristic type of nystagmus. Typically there
Nystagmus can be pendulum ... The pendular shape
Acute Treatment of Migraine
Mild Attacks: NSAIDs, Simple Analgesics
Moderate/Severe Attacks: Triptans, Ditans, Gepants, Ergots
Non-pharmacologic Treatment: Neuromodulation, Rest,
Attacks: Triptans, Ditans ... acute #treatment #management
Positive Hoffmann's sign (finger flexor reflex) in a patient with Multiple Sclerosis

The Hoffmann's reflex test itself
reflexes may be pendular
Infections Rats can Transmit to Humans
Other infections not highlighted include Lassa fever, Plague, Salmonella, Tularemia etc

can Transmit to Humans ... InfectiousDiseases #Diagnosis #Management
Spasmus Nutans on Ocular Examination

At first I thought it was Pendular But a closer look reveals
Spasmus Nutans on ... thought it was Pendular ... look Spasmus nutans ... bobvarkey #Spasmus #Nutans
Pendular Nystagmus

Acute pendular nystagmus secondary to viral cerebellitis.

#Pendular #Nystagmus #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology #ophthalmology
Pendular Nystagmus ... Acute pendular ... #Pendular #Nystagmus
Uric Acid Homeostasis
In the liver, purines are metabolized to uric acid. The last step in purine
not present in humans ... #Medications #Management
Poxviruses that infect humans range from life-threatening smallpox virus to the very contagious but benign molluscum
Poxviruses that infect humans ... incidentally to humans
Seesaw nystagmus 
-> eye move in an opposed vertical fashion (one goes up while the other
can be either pendular