32 results
Lobar consolidation
The most common presentation of consolidation is lobar or segmental.
The most common diagnosis is lobar
Lobar consolidation ... consolidation is lobar ... common diagnosis is lobar ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CXR
Lobar pneumonia
On the chest x-ray there is an ill-defined area of increased density in the right
Lobar pneumonia ... most likely a lobar ... This was an acute lobar ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #AirBronchogram
Here are the most common examples of these four patterns on a chest x-ray (click image
Consolidation - Lobar ... Diagnosis #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #Consolidation
Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Patterns of Involvement
 • Scarring, Nodules and Consolidation
    - Lobar
Consolidation - Lobar ... xray #clinical #radiology ... #CXR
Differential diagnosis
The table summarizes the most common diseases, that present with consolidation.
Chronic diseases are indicated in
- Lobar or focal ... For instance a lobar ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CXR ... Consolidation #Lobar
Right upper lobe atelectasis
1) triangular density
2) elevated right hilus
3) obliteration of the retrosternal clear space (arrow)
the retrosternal clear ... arrow) #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #RUL #Lobar
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
Lobar pneumonia ... Clinical #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #CXR #Lobar #Consolidation
Whenever you see an area of increased density within the lung, it must be the result
substances resulting in lobar ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #CXR #Consolidation
Left lower lobe atelectasis - There is a triangular density seen through the cardiac shadow.
This must
opposite #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #LLL #Lobar
It is very important to differentiate between acute consolidation and chronic consolidation, because it will limit
Neoplasm with lobar ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CXR