25 results
Causes of Approach to Altered Level of Consciousness - Workup
Clinical Exam - Focal
 • Trauma
Abnormality • Postictal ... Encephalitis #Altered #ALOC
Coarctation of the Aorta 

Preductal Coarctation:
Narrowing is proximal to ductus arteriosus Life-threatening if severe; seen in
ductus closes Postductal ... Aorta #Preductal #Postductal
Causes of Syncope and Transient Loss of Consciousness

#Syncope #Differential #LOC #Causes #Diagnosis
#Differential #LOC
Diagnostic Algorithm for the Patient with Seizure in the Emergency Department
Does the history suggest a seizure?
generalized - Postictal
Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline
Minor withdrawal (6 to 36 hours) - Tremulousness, mild anxiety, headache, diaphoresis, palpitations, gastrointestinal
seizures, short postictal
Causes of Altered Level of Consciousness GCS < 7 - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Brain Involvement - Hemispheric
Altered #comatose #aloc
Radiation Injury
Acute Radiation Toxicity primarily affects rapidly dividing cells based on dosage
Hematopoiteic - Pancytopenia, Infection
lymphocyte count = ALC ... at 48 hours • ALC ... prognosis • ALC
Loss of Consciousness in Syncope - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Syncopal causes:
• Orthostatic syncope
• Reflex syncope
• Cardiac arrhythmia
Consciousness #Syncope #LOC
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Symptoms are non-specific:
 - Headache 90%
 - Nausea/vomiting 50%
 - Vertigo 50%
 - Altered
50% - Altered LOC
Mobile "Pinball" Cardiac Thrombus on POCUS Echocardiogram

This cardiac thrombus seems to be having alot of fun.
seems to be having alot