18 results
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms
 - Colloquial acronym for gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known
genes known as AmpC ... Indole-positive" Proteus ... Bacteria #Organisms #AmpC
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms

Gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known as AmpC - Resistance may
genes known as AmpC ... Indole-positive" Proteus ... Bacteria #Organisms #AmpC
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
bruising in a newborn ... facial #bruising #newborn ... pediatrics #clinical #photo
Spherocytes - The arrow points to one of many spherocytes in this photo. The cells have
spherocytes in this photo ... smear was from a newborn ... In newborns, a large
Acrocyanosis: Bluish discoloration of the hands and feet commonly seen in newborns.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
commonly seen in newborns ... #Acrocyanosis #Newborn ... #Photo #UCSDH
Allergic Rhinitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

1. Allergy Sensitization -> Antigen Exposure -> APC (macrophages, HLA class
Antigen Exposure -> APC ... into peptides -> APC ... histamine, serotonin, protease
perioral cyanosis- A blue color around the lips and philtrum is a relatively common finding shortly
#clinical #photo ... peds #pediatrics #newborn
Tinea Capitis in a Newborn- A 3-week-old male newborn was brought to the pediatrician with three
Tinea Capitis in a Newborn ... -week-old male newborn ... #clinical #photo
Perioral cyanosis- Another newborn with perioral cyanosis clearly demonstrates that although the philtrum and upper chin
cyanosis- Another newborn ... cyanosis #clinical #photo ... peds #pediatrics #newborn
Acrocyanosis- Note the contrast between the feet and the color of the right leg. #clinical #photo
#clinical #photo ... #newborn #peds