33 results
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms
 - Colloquial acronym for gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known
genes known as AmpC ... Indole-positive" Proteus ... Bacteria #Organisms #AmpC
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms

Gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known as AmpC - Resistance may
genes known as AmpC ... Indole-positive" Proteus ... Bacteria #Organisms #AmpC
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

#Clinical #Photo #Peds #Pediatrics #HFMD #HandFootMouth #Disease #SkinRash
Disease #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
Allergic Rhinitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

1. Allergy Sensitization -> Antigen Exposure -> APC (macrophages, HLA class
Antigen Exposure -> APC ... into peptides -> APC ... histamine, serotonin, protease
Tinea Pedis: Scaly red erruption of the feet caused by fungal dermatitis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD
Tinea Pedis: Scaly ... Images #Clinical #Photo ... SkinRash #Tinea #Pedis
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
bruising #newborn #peds ... pediatrics #clinical #photo
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)

A 5-year-old girl presents to the ED with a rash that started
SSSS #Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics
Urticaria (hives): Skin reaction that occurs in response to cold, food allergies, meds, environmental exposures, stings,
food allergies, meds ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Schematic representation of the major sources of ammonia production and its excretory pathway (GI = gastrointestinal,
producing UTI (i.e proteus ... Reye syndrome (Peds
Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum (GON) - Figure 1

A 4-day-old girl was brought to the emergency department (ED)
#Clinical #Photo ... #Peds #Pediatrics