968 results
Coverage of common antibiotics used in the hospital

For empiric coverage, first define the type of infection,
AmpC. ... Dapto, Linezolid Amp-S ... pharmacology #table
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms
 - Colloquial acronym for gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known
genes known as AmpC ... Indole-positive" Proteus ... Bacteria #Organisms #AmpC
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms

Gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known as AmpC - Resistance may
genes known as AmpC ... Indole-positive" Proteus ... Bacteria #Organisms #AmpC
Antibiogram with shading indicating organisms associated with inducible AmpC beta-lactamase. 

#Antibiogram #AmpC #Resistance #SPICE #Organisms #Pathogens
with inducible AmpC ... #Antibiogram #AmpC
Protease Inhibitors 

Protease Inhibitors are a class of commonly used antiretroviral medications for management of HIV.
Protease Inhibitors ... Protease Inhibitors ... inhibit the enzyme protease ... /ambcarerx #Protease
Antiseizure Drugs 
Sodium Channel Blockers: Carbamazepine, Oxcarbazepine, Eslicarbazepine, Lamotrigine, Lacosamide, Phenytoin, fosphenytoin
Broad Spectrum: Valproate, Levetiracetam, Brivaracetam,
Retigabine (ezogabine) AMPA ... pharmacology #comparison #table
Allergic Rhinitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

1. Allergy Sensitization -> Antigen Exposure -> APC (macrophages, HLA class
Antigen Exposure -> APC ... into peptides -> APC ... histamine, serotonin, protease
Summary table of autoimmune diseases and the specific antibody related to the disease. Visit gramproject.com for
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... diagnosis #algorithm #table
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used drugs for tuberculosis.
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #medications #table
HIV HAART Medications - Classification by Names and Mechanism - Updated 01/2021
 - NRTIs
NRTIs - NNRTIs - Protease