11 results
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
#Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CTChest ... #Differential #Diagram ... #Comparison #Honeycombing ... Emphysema #SignetRing #RadiologyAssistant
Stage I - Redistribution
In a normal chest film with the patient standing erect, the pulmonary vessels
In these cases comparison ... during a period of CHF ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #CHF #Cephalization ... Redistribution #RadiologyAssistant
On the left some diseases with a nodular pattern.
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: ill defined centrilobular nodules.
2. Miliary
Clinical #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CTChest ... #Differential #Comparison ... #Table #RadiologyAssistant
Differential diagnosis of Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis. 
On the left multiple diseases showing septal thickening:
1. Lymphangitic carcinomatosis: irregular
Cardiogenic pulmonary ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CTChest ... #Differential #Comparison ... #Table #RadiologyAssistant
The distribution of nodules shown on HRCT is the most important factor in making an accurate
#Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #HRCT ... Perilymphatic #Comparison ... #Diagram #RadiologyAssistant
On the left a patient with CHF. 
There is an increase in heart size compared to
a patient with CHF ... redistribution of pulmonary ... that helpful, but comparison ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Comparison #RadiologyAssistant
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the result of insufficient output because of cardiac failure, high resistance
heart failure (CHF ... a patient with CHF ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Findings #Diagram ... #RadiologyAssistant
There are three principal varieties of pulmonary edema: cardiac, overhydration and increased capillary permeability (ARDS). 
principal varieties of pulmonary ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #CXR #CHF #Vascular ... Pedicle #Width #Comparison ... VascularPedicleWidth #RadiologyAssistant
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
specific questions to ask ... murmur 3/6) - Pulmonary ... disease b) CHF ... days before Pulmonary ... one post op Cardiology
Increased pulmonary venous pressure is related to the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and can be
Increased pulmonary ... the chest film (Table ... #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #CHF #CXR #Stages ... Findings #Signs #RadiologyAssistant