2227 results
Leg Pain - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Bone/Joint Causes of Leg Pain:
 • Fracture
 • Arthritis
 • Gout/pseudogout
Leg Pain - Differential ... Prolonged capillary refill ... #Leg #pain #differential
Capillary Refill Testing on Physical Exam

- The pressure is increased until the skin is blank and
Capillary Refill ... - A fill time ... Capillary #filling #Refill
Anemias - Differential and Diagnostic Clues

Ariella Coler-Reilly @AriellaStudies

#Anemias #Differential #Diagnosis #Clues #Hematology
Anemias - Differential ... Ariella Coler-Reilly ... AriellaStudies #Anemias #Differential
Capillary filling time is measured by applying firm pressure on the ventral surface of the distal
- A fill time ... Capillary #filling #Refill
Prolonged Capillary Refill Time

Press a glass slide at the ventral aspect of index finger. Keep it
Prolonged Capillary Refill ... dr_supradip #Capillary #Refill
HIV pharmacology by Ariella Coler-Reilly @Ariellastudies

#HIV #pharmacology #HIVdrugs #MedEd
Ariella Coler-Reilly
Clinical features of shock from dehydration in an infant

Decreased level of consciousness 
Sunken fontanelle 
Dry mucous
Prolonged capillary refill
Map of proliferative blood disorders. 

By Ariella Coler-Reilly @ariellastudies

#Algorithm #classification #proliferative #blood #disorders #leukemia #hematology #oncology
Ariella Coler-Reilly
American College of Critical Care Medicine algorithm for time-sensitive, goal-directed stepwise management of hemodynamic support in
thresholds, capillary refill
START is a rapid triage system for prioritizing disaster victims
Briefly, it is based around:
- Is the
or normal cap refill