143 results
Managing warfarin INR

Warfarin dosage must be individualized according to the patient's response to the drug, and
according to the results ... under-coagulation can result ... #management #algorithm
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) - Likelihood, Diagnosis and Management
 - HIT Suspected
 - Calculate 4T Score
Diagnosis and Management ... Heparin - PF4 Results ... Algorithm #Diagnosis #Management
The fourth pattern includes abnormalities that result in decreased lung attenuation or air-filled lesions.
These include:
- Emphysema
abnormalities that result ... Emphysema #SignetRing #RadiologyAssistant
Janeway Lesion: Flat, painless, erythematous lesions seen on the palm of this patient's hand. While
frequently associated
, they are the result ... Photo credit, Josh ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Left Atrium
 - The upper posterior border of the heart is formed by the left atrium.
Enlargement will result ... ventricle will result ... Cardiac #Chambers #RadiologyAssistant
Fluid Resuscitation Algorithm in Acute Pancreatitis

Based on the results of the WATERFALL trial.

By Dr. Enrique de-Madaria
Based on the results ... #Pancreatitis #Management
High Attenuation pattern (2) 
1. Non specific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP): ground glass with traction bronchiectasis, no
consolidation as a result ... Comparison #Table #RadiologyAssistant
Splenomegaly: Massively enlarged spleen, the result of extramedullary hematopoiesis, is outlined above.
This patient's left upper quadrant
enlarged spleen, the result ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Cicacitration atelectasis
Atelectasis can be the result of fibrosis of lungtissue.
This is seen after radiotherapy and in
Atelectasis can be the result ... Radiation #Fibrosis #RadiologyAssistant
Multiple masses
The differential diagnostic list of multiple masses is very long.
The most important diagnoses are listed
#Management #Radiology ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant