7188 results
Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO) - Further Workup

 • CNS symptoms? Get an LP and imaging
head/spine • Returning ... your ‘Fever in a Returning ... node biopsy • Clinical
Spontaneous Echo Contrast ("Smoke") on IVC POCUS

Sagittal view of IVC returning blood to RA caudal —>
Sagittal view of IVC returning ... Smoke #IVC #POCUS #clinical
Hippocratic Shoulder Reduction 
Shoulder reduction is the process of returning the shoulder to its normal position
the process of returning ... #Orthopedics #clinical
Behcet syndrome (Behcet Disease)
 - Relapsing uveitis 
 - Recurring genital ulcers 
 - Recurring oral
Relapsing uveitis - Recurring ... genital ulcers - Recurring
Linear Rash in the Returning Traveler - Differential Diagnosis
 • Cutaneous larva migrans
 • Scabies (Sarcoptes
Linear Rash in the Returning ... #Linear #Rash #Returning
Differential Diagnosis of Fever in the Returning Traveler 
of Fever in the Returning
Fever in Returning Traveler - ABCDE Mnemonic
A - Adventure - Where did the patient travel? 
Fever in Returning ... ID_fellows #Fever #Returning
Fever identification guide to differentiation and diagnosis in tropical and subtropical regions
(Shared via https://twitter.com/bmj_latest/status/1068505303556284416 )

#Fever #Tropical
Traveler #Tropics #Returning
Fever in the Returning Traveler - History
Exposure History:
 • Street foods / Local water: entenc fever,
Fever in the Returning ... BoggildLab #Fever #Returning
Malaria in Returning Travelers

Signs and Symptoms for Malaria with Likelihood Ratios 

Does this patient have malaria?
Malaria in Returning