5795 results
Focal Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on Ventriculogram Angiography 

55 year old, severe chest pain after death of close
relative, ECG diagnosis ... contracting well, seems
Vertebral Body Abnormalities

A sheet of common (and uncommon) vertebral body findings, because a completely “normal” spine
“normal” spine seems ... Anomalies #Spine #Diagnosis
Salicylate Toxicity - Diagnosis and Management

Consider if:
1) Patient is hot and altered
2) You see tachypnea with
Salicylate Toxicity - Diagnosis ... ) Presentation seems ... Toxicity #Toxicology #diagnosis
Pathogens Causing Bloody Diarrhea = SEECSY Mnemonic

SEECSY= Bloody diarrhea doesn’t sounds SEXY 
S = Salmonella
E =
Bloody Diarrhea = SEECSY ... Mnemonic SEECSY ... 4th-year-unza-medical #SEECSY
Toxidromes Compared: Anticholinergic, Cholinergic, Opioid, Sympathomimetic, Sedative-Hypnotic

During your physical exam, look for evidence of some of
missing, this seems ... #Diagnosis #Toxicology
Summary of Agents Potentially Contributing to False Positives on Urine Drug Screens (UDS)
Marijuana Metabolites
 • dronabinol,
ofloxacin, poppy seeds ... Testing #Laboratory #diagnosis
False Positive Urine Drug Screens
Amphetamines - Amantadine, brompheniramine. bupropion, chlorpromazine, desipramine, ephedrine, isometheptene, isoxsuprine, labetalol, phentermine,
fluoroquinolones, poppy sees ... Drug #Screening #diagnosis
Visual Abstract: Does lung ultrasound compared to standard approach, improve the accuracy for diagnosis of acute
the accuracy for diagnosis ... assessment for the diagnosis ... emergency department seems ... than the current diagnostic
Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • Difficulties with Activities - Initiation Of projects
Companionship - Seeks ... PersonalityDisorder #Diagnosis
Distinguishing between Inflammatory and Degenerative joint disease
Inflammatory Joint Disease
 • Swelling stimulates joint nociceptors -> Pain
inflammation that seeps ... JointDisease #JointPain #Diagnosis