194 results
Salicylate Toxicity - Diagnosis and Management

Consider if:
1) Patient is hot and altered
2) You see tachypnea with
) Presentation seems ... Aspirin #Toxicity #Toxicology
Toxidromes Compared: Anticholinergic, Cholinergic, Opioid, Sympathomimetic, Sedative-Hypnotic

During your physical exam, look for evidence of some of
missing, this seems ... #Diagnosis #Toxicology
False Positive Urine Drug Screens
Amphetamines - Amantadine, brompheniramine. bupropion, chlorpromazine, desipramine, ephedrine, isometheptene, isoxsuprine, labetalol, phentermine,
fluoroquinolones, poppy sees ... Screening #diagnosis #toxicology
Toxicologic Assessment of Cyanosis (Goldfrank’s Toxicology)
#Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology #Cyanosis #Methemoglobinemia #Assessment #Algorithm
Toxicologic Assessment ... Cyanosis (Goldfrank’s Toxicology ... Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology
Medications that Can Cause False Positives on Drug Tests

Urine drug screens (UDSs) are simple to use,
Benadryl) • Poppy seeds ... differential #diagnosis #toxicology
Pathogens Causing Bloody Diarrhea = SEECSY Mnemonic

SEECSY= Bloody diarrhea doesn’t sounds SEXY 
S = Salmonella
E =
Bloody Diarrhea = SEECSY ... Mnemonic SEECSY ... 4th-year-unza-medical #SEECSY
Hyperthermic Syndromes - This table summarizes the similarities and differences between some toxicologic causes of hyperthermic
differences between some toxicologic ... Table #Diagnosis #Toxicology
Medical Toxicology Antidote Card - American College of Medical Toxicology

#Pharmacology #Management #Toxicology #Antidotes #PocketCard #ACMT #Dosing
Medical Toxicology ... College of Medical Toxicology ... Pharmacology #Management #Toxicology
Alcohol Pharmacology and Toxicology

#Alcohol #Cessation #Pharmacology #etoh #toxicology #medications #management
Pharmacology and Toxicology ... Pharmacology #etoh #toxicology
Essential Oils in Toxicology
- Ann Young MD https://twitter.com/AnnYoungMD
Reference Article: https://www.poison.org/articles/2014-jun/essential-oils
#EssentialOils #Toxicology #PatientInfo #Camphor #Wintergreen #PatientInfo
Essential Oils in Toxicology ... EssentialOils #Toxicology