140 results
Keeping up with Atypical Antipsychotics (aka second generation antipsychotics - SGA). I'll be posting series of
antipsychotics - SGA ... AtypicalAntipsychotics #SGAs
Pharmacology, Toxicity and Management of Second Generation Antipsychotic (SGA) Overdose #Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology #Psychiatry #SGA #SecondGenerationAntipsychotics
Antipsychotic (SGA ... Toxicology #Psychiatry #SGA
Because they have decreased glycogen and fat stores, small for gestational age (SGA) babies are particularly
gestational age (SGA ... baby was mildly SGA ... baby a typical SGA ... peds #pediatrics #SGA
Causes of Intrauterine Growth Restriction / Small for Gestational Age - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Fetal Factors:
GestationalAge #SGA
Amsterdam Diagnoses
Maternal vascular malperfusion / MVM / MVU / Preclampsia
 • Additional features: SGA placenta, thin
Additional features: SGA
Modified	Centor Criteria	to	Evaluate	for	GAS	Pharyngitis
#Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Centor #Criteria #GAS #Streptococcus #Pharyngitis #Algorithm #PEMSource
to Evaluate for GAS ... Centor #Criteria #GAS
Differentiation between Portal Venous Gas and Pneumobilia #Diagnosis #EM #Rads #Surgery #Differential #Differentiation #HepaticGas #Pneumobilia #PortalVenous
Portal Venous Gas ... Portal #Venous #Gas
Tracheobronchial Smooth Muscle Atrophy and Separation (TB-SMAS) on Bronchoscopy

TB-SMAS in a chronic ICS user (association)

Dr. Udit
Separation (TB-SMAS ... Bronchoscopy TB-SMAS
Abdominal X-Ray Anatomy and Interpretation Checklist
 - Is there bowel dilatation, wall edema or pneumatosis?
every focus of gas ... or outlined by gas
Arterial and venous blood gas reference range. #diagnosis #emergencymedicine #criticalcare #ABG #VBG
and venous blood gas