7361 results
The Dyspnea Pyramid - Differential Diagnosis for Shortness of Breath

Original Source (Jeff Wiese MD): https://www.acponline.org/system/files/documents/clinical_information/journals_publications/books/clinical-teaching-scripts-for-inpatient-medicine.pdf

#Diagnosis #Dyspnea
journals_publications/books/clinical-teaching-scripts-for-inpatient-medicine.pdf ... ShortnessOfBreath #SOB
Lung Point in Pneumothorax

Lung ultrasound of a patient with SOB and chest pain after central line
a patient with SOB ... pneumothorax #POCUS #Clinical
Complications of Measles: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • ADEM -> Fever, headache, neck stiffness, BBD, mental
Pathogenesis and Clinical ... Pneumonia -> Cough, SOB
TypeA Aortic Dissection on POCUS Echocardiogram

80yo F presents with CP&SOB after syncope. BP 91/62, HR81, O2sat
presents with CP&SOB ... Echocardiogram #Clinical
Severe Aortic Stenosis on POCUS

Calcified Aortic valve leaflets with minimal opening. LVH likely secondary to AS
with dizziness, SOB ... Ultrasound #PLAX #Clinical
Massive Left Atrial Myxoma on Echocardiogram (TEE)
Pt admitted for SOB x 2 months with episode of
Pt admitted for SOB ... Echocardiogram #TEE #clinical
Dilated Cardiomyopathy on POCUS Echocardiogram

40yo otherwise healthy M presents with 1 wk SOB. His pmd diagnosed
presents with 1 wk SOB ... SOB secondary to ... Echocardiogram #Cardiology #clinical
Pneumopericardium on POCUS Echocardiogram

This 70yo male presents with sob. He is in a left lateral decub
presents with sob ... hernia repair-->cp/sob ... Echocardiogram #clinical
Massive LV thrombus in 35 year old heart failure patient presenting with SOB and chest pain

presenting with SOB ... Echocardiogram #Clinical
Papillary muscle rupture on POCUS Echocardiogram - A4C - Labeled

I colorized this POCUS to make it
had sudden onset SOB ... Echocardiogram #A4C #clinical