542 results
Excoriated papules with honey-colored crusting were present on the abdomen, back (Panel A), arms, and legs.
from several web spaces ... Microscopy #Rash #NEJM
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis - Abdominal radiography (Panel A) and computed tomography (Panel B) revealed gas collection in
and perinephric space ... Pyelonephritis #CT #KUB #NEJM
Laryngocele- ...On physical examination, he had nontender, compressible swelling in the left cervical region that transmitted
paralaryngeal space ... Morgagni, the space ... #NEJM #clinical
Pneumorrhachis, Pneumothorax, and Subcutaneous Emphysema - The entrapped air gained access to the epidural space, which
to the epidural space ... Pneumorrhachis #NEJM
Hemolysis in Hereditary Spherocytosis. Panel A shows the structure of a normal red cell and a
through tight spaces ... HereditarySpherocytosis #NEJM
Incidental Finding of Oleothorax - A chest radiograph showed a dense opacity in the upper area
into the pleural space ... CXR #Oleothorax #NEJM
Spur-Cell Anemia- A 31-year-old man with a history of cirrhosis, recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, and anemia presented
more regularly spaced ... #NEJM #clinical
Placenta Increta - Antenatal ultrasonography suggested placenta accreta (Panel A), with the appearance of irregular vascular
irregular vascular spaces ... US #Microscopy #NEJM
Perirenal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis - Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen, performed without the administration of contrast
the perirenal space ... ExtramedullaryHematopoiesis #Microscopy #NEJM
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms
 - Colloquial acronym for gram-negative bacteria that have inducible, chromosomal beta-lactamase genes known
SPICE (SPACE) Organisms ... #Microbiology #SPICE ... #SPACE #Bacteria