17 results
OSA Questionnaire - STOPBANG
#Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #OSA #ObstructiveSleepApnea #Screening #STOPBANG #Questionnaire
Questionnaire - STOPBANG ... ObstructiveSleepApnea #Screening #STOPBANG
There are several screening questionnaires for OSA, although the accuracy of many of them is limited.4,6,7,24
ObstructiveSleepApnea #Screening #STOPBANG
Metformin - First Line Treatment for Diabetes Type 2
• Start with initial dose of 500 mg
tolerable rather than stopping
A priority in this project was to appropriately stratify participants into a low, medium, or high-intensity
CDC entitled “Stopping
Check point inhibitors and Side Effects - Immune-related adverse events (IRAEs)

What are the side effects?
effectively treated by stopping
Lower Extremity Dermatomes and Myotomes
 • Knee - L2, L3, L4
 • Ankle - S1
sitting rather than stopping
Criteria for stopping insulin drip in DKA:
Don't stop the drip until the following criteria are met
Criteria for stopping ... Management #DKA #Stopping
Esophageal Variceal Bleeding - Scoping Summary
V - Vasoconstrictor therapy: (Octreotide 50mcg bolus
days) -> consider stopping
Mains Electricity Failure - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
Unexpected total power failure is rare and unpredictable.
• Consider stopping
Perforator Tool being used to Drill a Burr Hole

Perforator is used to make burr holes into
It has a stopping