17 results
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
hand sanitizer compounding ... hand sanitizer shortage ... #Coronavirus #Compounding
Clinical diagnosis of Alcoholic Hepatitis (AH)
 • Onset of jaundice within prior 8 weeks
 • Ongoing
Alcoholic Hepatitis (AH ... /dL Potential confounding ... Alcoholic #Hepatitis #AH
Infant Formula Alternatives - Store Brand Substitutes during Formula Shortage

Brad Sobolewski, MD

#Infant #Formula #Alternatives #pediatrics
during Formula Shortage
DIY Respirator

Innovative technique to create a cheap, reusable, elastomeric respirator for use during critical N95 supply
critical N95 supply shortages
Parasternal Short Axis (PSAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy
 - Papillary Muscles Level (Mid-LV)
 - Aortic
#Parasternal #ShortAxis
Alcoholic Hepatitis - Management Algorithm
1. Severity assessed not only by MDF (>32) but also by MELD
survival in severe AH
Central line placement: verifying wire placement on POCUS
Prior to dilation of a central vein. Confirm wire
RIJ #longaxis #shortaxis
Magic Mouthwash Ingredients for Mucositis
Magic Mouthwash Recipe 1 (Disp: 480 ml)
 • 80 ml viscous lidocaine
#pharmacology #compounding
Pelvis Insufficiency fractures
 - Back pain consistently one of the top three most common ER chief
comorbidities confounding
Aqueous Humor Production and Drainage
 • Provides nutrition, removes wastes, and transports neurotransmitters to the avascular
10-21 mmHg) AH ... % of flow) -> AH ... % of flow) -> AH