49 results
Phenobarbital monotherapy algorithm for alcohol withdrawal


-Phenobarbital monotherapy has numerous advantages
withdrawal, the current shortage ... Management #Alcohol #EtOH
Infant Formula Alternatives - Store Brand Substitutes during Formula Shortage

Brad Sobolewski, MD

#Infant #Formula #Alternatives #pediatrics
during Formula Shortage
DIY Respirator

Innovative technique to create a cheap, reusable, elastomeric respirator for use during critical N95 supply
critical N95 supply shortages
Parasternal Short Axis (PSAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy
 - Papillary Muscles Level (Mid-LV)
 - Aortic
#Parasternal #ShortAxis
Alcohol Pharmacology and Toxicology

#Alcohol #Cessation #Pharmacology #etoh #toxicology #medications #management
#Pharmacology #etoh
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
hand sanitizer shortage
Alcohol Use Disorder: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

 • Tolerance (reduced sensitivity to effects of EtOH)
to effects of EtOH ... exacerbated by EtOH ... recovering from EtOH ... desire to use EtOH ... AlcoholUseDisorder #EtOH
Alcohol Withdrawal Management Algorithm

Mild vs Moderate/Severe

#Management #Alcohol #Withdrawal #EtOH #Protocol #Algorithm #Phenobarbital #Diazepam #Valium
Alcohol #Withdrawal #EtOH
Pathogens in Pneumonia

Here is a quick review of the pathogens causing pneumonia (useful for enumerating differentials
S. pneumoniae (EtOH ... Acinetobacter — EtOH ... - Anaerobes (EtOH
Central line placement: verifying wire placement on POCUS
Prior to dilation of a central vein. Confirm wire
RIJ #longaxis #shortaxis